Thursday, February 21, 2013

B.A. Baracus kind of sleep

You know how Mr. T "neva got on no PLANE!!" on the A-Team? The guys always had to scheme up some fanciful way to drug him to sleep, just so they could get to somebody who needed help, who couldn't be helped by anybody else, who could find them and maybe could hire them, the A-Team (if that joke didn't land, you are culturally deprived)? Well, I need the guys right now. Face needs to sneak up behind me and do what any true friend and fellow soldier of fortune would do, stick me in the neck with some tranquilizers so I can catch some ZZZ's. I have been staying up way too late, burning the candle from both ends too many nights in a row. Monday I started a job -not I Built That related- and stayed up working until 4am before cleaning up and driving an hour and a half home. I was so wigged-out-tired on the drive that when I finally tried to fall asleep (at home), I saw headlights coming at me and snapped awake in terror over and over. Has that ever happened to anybody? I really need to stop doing that.
Why do I mention this? Because it's my sorry excuse for not finishing Georgie's tree house, I've been busy. The worst.
The tree house isn't going anywhere, so we'll get back to that someday soon. What is going somewhere; however, is a custom coop to North Cackalacky (spell check does flag that one, go figure)! Some super nice folks down there worked out a custom design with me and I'm going to deliver it in Old Betsy when it's done (Georgie may be copilot on this run, as long as he brings snacks). I can't wait to show this build, because it's a combination of what I normally do at home (build sweet stuff with power tools) and what I often do at "work" (build sweet stuff with hand tools).
Stay tuned for this stuff. We're going to harvest some young cedar trees to make posts for this coop, seriously. We're talking above and beyond here, it's going to be awesome. You might be scratching your head along with me as we tackle some of the challenges of the "Cackalack Coop" (as I have since dubbed it), but don't worry, I've got this.
If you're wondering about the tree house, I braced one side of it and laid a couple boards down to start the decking. To celebrate, Georgie and our visiting friend Matt (who makes, wears and uses his own buckskin, bows, arrows and so forth) sat on it so I could snap a shot of its rock solid strength before it got "black dark outside" as Georgie says. Matt deserves a whole post to himself (add that to the list). We enjoyed a relaxing Sunday filled with church, over indulgence in post-church lunch, relaxing sits on the nice furniture we got from doing a gypsy-style trade for the Green Machine and of course updating Matt's dating website profile with new pictures (that's right single ladies).
Without further ado, here are the last shots of life as I knew it before turning into a sleep-deprived, wigged-out work zombie.
Georgie and Matt, sittin' in a tree... wait, no. You can see Matt is wearing his own brain-tanned buckskin, having come to our house from a show that day. I promise Matt will get his own post one day.
It snowed Saturday.

Snow doesn't stop the sleep-deprived, wigged-out work zombie. The pile of wood in the foreground is leftover scrap from 3 coops and a little doghouse. Brinn wants me to make whimsical little dealies like display shelves, birdhouses, and nunchucks from this stuff. We'll see how much is salvaged before the next wild bonfire party we throw.
I'm going to bed before 1am tonight (this morning). Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Check back to see what I've got schemed up for the "Cackalack Coop".


P.S., Happy Birthday to the sweetest little tyrant in our occasionally peaceful home, baby Wyoming. Since I (sort of) built that baby, it's only fitting that I include a tribute right?
Cuteness is literally a self defense mechanism; because, outside of these 12 documented behavioral flukes, she is a sassy little spitfire with her Momma's hot temper! Happy Birthday Wyoming.

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