Sunday, February 17, 2013

A tiny taste

This will be short.

Things have been busy up the wazoo (spell check does not flag "wazoo", let's research that*) around here. Stay tuned for some rad build-age in the near future, I've got a few commissioned pieces coming down the pipe that I am very excited about. Luckily, my schedule is free much of next week, so we're going to continue work on Georgie's tree house. We got out and kicked up a little sawdust today, but the bulk of the magic will go down next week. In the mean time, I want to leave you with a tiny taste of tree house, and a not so tiny taste of sage advice.

First, a tiny taste of tree house.
You've heard the expression, "The shoemakers children never have shoes?"; well, the builder's children never have new lumber in their tree house.
This is nearly a spiritual experience for me. When everything is put in place and you know, according to whatever kind of voodoo math you did in your head, that your level is going to sit flush and the bubble is going to be in the lines, then it does and it is (cue angelic chorus).
This is just the beginning of the platform. It will be braced like a 6th grader's teeth before the decking and whatever else sit on top of it.
Second, a not so tiny taste of sage advice:

Don't judge yet. This is a plan-as-you-go build, despite the immaculate, detailed drawings Georgie worked up. I'm bringing you into my realm on this, so I'm trusting you to hold on for the ride. The tree house will take on a life of its own and eventually start talking to me (figuratively), but you will need a fearless heart until we get there. When we're done, we will have something photogenic, irresistible to small children and of course, strong like bull.

* "Wazoo" update: As it turns out "wazoo", along with its somewhat dubious etymological heritage, is cataloged in the Oxford English Dictionary as a US slang term for (you guessed it) the ol' derriere. So, pardon my french folks, I didn't mean for this to turn into a PG-13 blog.


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